The present final report on the question of discrimination based on work and descent has been prepared pursuant to the resolution 2006/14 in which the Sub-Commission endorsed the Special Rapporteurs’ proposals to organize two regional workshops, one in Asia and one in Africa, before the end of the first quarter of 2007 and a consultation meeting in Geneva during the second quarter of 2007. Pending the Human Rights Council decisions, such workshops and consultation meeting were not formally held. However, the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights organized in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 23-25 April 2007, a workshop on Social Inclusion: Supporting Political Participation and Economic Empowerment in which the issue of discrimination based on work and descent was included, and the two Special Rapporteurs fully participated in this workshop. Taking advantage of this workshop, the International Dalit Solidarity Network organized, in collaboration with two other international non-governmental organizations and the office of the High Commissioner, an informal Expert Consultation on the Draft Principles and Guidelines for the Elimination of Work and Descent Discrimination in Kathmandu on 26 April 2007. The present report contains in its main parts revised draft Principles and Guidelines for the Effective Elimination of Discrimination Based on Work and Descent. The report recommends the Human Rights Council to include the topic of discrimination based on work and descent among the studies to be undertaken by the Council. It also recommends the Council to adopt with necessary changes the draft Principles and Guidelines and submit them to the General Assembly for adoption.
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