Tag Archives: Conflict
Rape case lodged with UN Human Rights Committee
Looks like we have finally run out of domestic remedies. Let’s see what whether the HRC accepts the “communication”. Who knows, “Purna Maya” and others like her may find some redress when its is reviewed in a couple of years. … Continue reading
OHCHR launch ten-year report on Nepal conflict
Will this make an impact? Or is it just IGO-work? It must have cost a lot of rupees.. OHCHR Nepal Conflict Report 2012 UN releases report charting ten years of violations during Nepal conflict The UN High Commissioner for Human … Continue reading
International humanitarian law for Nepali civilians
International law is a body of public, private and supranational laws that have mostly emerged from the 19th century onwards and which primarily concern the governing of conduct between states. International law binds states to observe certain agreements, but unlike … Continue reading
Parties agree Maoist integration, at expense of victims
It’s great news, unless you were a victim. If you were, then you would be looking at this and thinking that over the past few years your War Crimes Commission has been watered down into a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, … Continue reading
Human rights INGOs letter to PM Baburam
Dear Prime Minister: As you assume the mantle of the highest office in Nepal, with only three months left in the mandate of the Constituent Assembly, we write to you to reiterate our longstanding request that the government makes accountability … Continue reading
Timeline of constitutional dilemma
22 November 2005: The Seven Parties Alliance (SPA) finalizes a 12-point agreement with the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) in New Delhi, as a roadmap for resolving conflict and restoring a democracy in Nepal; 6 April 2006: Maoist-supported SPA … Continue reading
Amnesty video, unsolved forced disappearances
ICRC annual report, 2011
ICRC annual report 2011
People killed during conflict: 13,347
INSEC’s documentation of the number of people killed during the conflict is the closest we have to the real figures. Number of Victims Killed by State and Maoist in Connection with the “People’s War”
ICRC annual report, 2009
The ICRC initially worked in Nepal out of its regional delegation in New Delhi, opening a delegation in Kathmandu in 2001. Since the May 2006 agreement between the government and the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist, the ICRC has focused on: clarifying the fate of missing persons … Continue reading